Sunday, June 26, 2011

Duck Nest Boxes 2011 #2

I saw two broods of bufflehead ducklings on another local pond last week so I know that ducking season is here. One hen had 9 little ones that looked to be about a week out of the nest, and the other had 5 that were quite small and probably only a day or so from jumping out of their aerial cavity. I even think I found the pileated woodpecker cavity she probably nested in - it was close by. She's the subject of the first picture. Unfortunately the light was poor so the image is a little grainy.

Last I checked (2 days ago) there were still no ducklings on Maxwell Lake, but I did see a bufflehead hen fly into the nest box by the pond tower to go with the goldeneye hen using one of the boxes on Maxwell Lake. I haven't seen her for a few weeks though, so perhaps she isn't still around.

The second photo is a flipped-over reflection of one of the nest boxes in the still waters of a beaver pond. The evening sun was low and behind me but still bright. The pond was below the sun angle so the light in the reflection was perfect. A beaver had swam through the pond a few minutes before, so there was enought movement in the water to soften the reflection. Another great memory from the beaver boardwalk!

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